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When you have a medical emergency while traveling, you need Good Sam Travel Assist.
Good Sam TravelAssist protects you, your family and your vehicle when medical emergencies occur while traveling - saving you thousands of dollars. Whether you have an accident, suffer an injury or fall ill on a trip, TravelAssist manages the critical details and provides benefits rarely paid by health insurance. What's more, you can rely on TravelAssist not only in the USA, but anywhere you travel in the world.
    Medical Benefits
  • Emergency medical evacuation - we'll pay to get you to a hospital better equipped to handle your emergency
  • Emergency medical monitoring
  • Prescription replacement assistance
  • Return of deceased remains
    Family Benefits
  • Return home of traveling companion
  • Transportation home of dependent children
  • Transportation for loved one to join you in the hospital
  • Pet return assistance
    Travel Benefits
  • Transportation home after a medical emergency
  • RV/vehicle return - we'll pay to transport your motorhome, trailer, or auto home if you can't drive
  • Lost luggage assistance
  • Pre-trip assistance and doctor, dentist, pharmacy referalls
TAKE ACTION TODAY: JOIN Good Sam TravelAssist and SAVE $20!
Important Notice: Good Sam Travel Assist is not responsible for costs or expenses arising from travel to a country for which a formal recommendation in the form of a Level 4 Advisory for International Travel from the U.S. State Department has been issued preceding your arrival into that country. We strongly urge all international travelers to continue to check for advisories in your destination country prior to departure at https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/before-you-go.html